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Barcode Ribbons

Ribbons according to their structure

  • Wax Ribbons

  • Wax-Resin Ribbons

  • Resin Ribbons


The right ribbon should be selected according to the material surface it is used on and its adhesion ability.

Ribbons we sell and their features

Armor Ribbons

Wax ribbons

Wax-Resine ribbons

Resin ribbons

Ricoh Ribbons

Wax-Resine ribbons

Resin ribbons

Textile ribbons

DNP Ribbons

Wax Ribbons

These are ribbons used for general purposes. It is used on materials with low surface smoothness or without top coating. It is more economical.

Resin Ribbons

It is generally used with synthetics (PP, PE and PET) in applications where the print must be highly resistant to mechanical effects, heat or solvents.

Wax-Resin Ribbons

It is used in top-coated materials, synthetic materials or applications where high mechanical resistance is required.

Textile Ribbons

Ribbons used in washing instructions and satin labels used in the textile industry have different features and structures in order to protect the print during heavy washing and grinding processes. These ribbons are products developed by ribbon manufacturers specifically for the textile industry.

Barkod ribonları resim

Increase your printing quality with original ribbons

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